I. 目的Goal:
The Associate of Arts degree in Christian Ministry provides the basic educational background and training in biblical studies, theology, knowledge and serving technique that are required for ministry in a church and Christian organization. After successfully completing this curriculum, the student will be able to serve God and people effectively in churches and organizations with Bible-based principles
II. 入讀資格Entrance Requirements:
1. 受浸一年以上,穩定教會生活及事奉,靈命品格良好,獲教牧推薦。 Baptized one year or more. Regular attending and serving in the church. Good character and recommended by the pastor.
2. 學歷要求 Entrance Requirement
a. 中六或同等程度,及不少於一年工作經驗。或 Secondary School F.6 with more than one year of working experience. OR
b. 完成本院「基督教領袖訓練高級證書」,平均成績B- 以上 (GPA 2.7或以上)。或 Secondary School F.5 and completed our “Christian Leaders Training Advanced Certificate Program”, OR
c. 中七以上程度。或 Secondary School F.7 or above. OR
d. 成年學生﹕年齡廿八歲,中五以上程度,不少於五年工作經驗,中英文良好。(按情況可能須補修學分,首年為試讀) Mature Student: Secondary School F.5 and aged 28 or above. More than 5 years of working experience. Good English and Chinese. |