2010-11/2 | | MCM11039 | Pastoral Theology & Ministry |
2009-10/2 | | MCM10032 | Pastoral Care & Counseling |
2009-10/1 | | MCM09030 | Inner Healing & Deliverance |
2007-08/2 | | LA1033 | 希臘文 |
2006-07/2 | | MCM07013 | Pastoral Theology and Ministry |
| | MCM07012 | Pentateuch |
2006-07/1 | | MCM06009 | Biblical Hermeneutics |
2004-05/1 | | TH2006 | Graduation Thesis |
| | MCM008 | Pastoral Care and Counseling |
| | MCM007 | New Testament Studies |
| | MCM005 | Contemporary Preaching |
| | MCM004 | Old Testament Studies |
| | MCM002 | Pastoral Theology and Ministry |